Scamper Lab Apps

Calculator for SuperStar SM 105022501
Scamper Lab
This is a calculator for SuperStar SMTown(SUSM) game. It helps to calculate the result of levelingcards.Four functions:1. Card leveling emulatorThis app calculates the odds of all combinations.2. Card leveling calculatorYou can calculate the odds of leveling cards before you actually doit in the game so you don’t waste cards and RP.It calculates the costs of material cardsIt calculates how many material cards would cost to successfullylevel up.It calculates how much RP would cost to successfully levelup.3. Sell Card CalculatorIf you have too many cards or need more RP, you can use thiscalculator to know how much RP you can earn from selling eachcard.4. RP goal calculatorNeed more RP? Enter the goal number of RP, the RP you have at handand average earned RP per game, the app will calculate how manygames you need to play to earn enough RP.Notice:Please note this is NOT a game. This is NOT an official app. Thisis a FREE FAN APP that makes no claims to be in any way connectedwith the official game, its developers and/or publishers. This appis intended only to assist people playing this excellent game.
Wake Up!! Alarm 105042701
Scamper Lab
Wake Up! Alarm provides you a betterwake-upexperience* Google text-to-speech supportedYour personal reminder will be spoke up after alarm’sdismissed.*10-second Pre-alarmWake up your body from deep sleep with light and fade-in sound30mins before your scheduled wakeup time.*Friendly interface for groggy body and blurry visionInterface designed for sleepy heads. Super easy to dismiss alarmorsnooze for more sleep!*Customized AlarmYou can customize each alarm for workdays, weekends, specialeventsand remind you to walk your dog!*Customized TimerCreate timers for different situations. You can customizeeachtimer’s sound volume and ringtone.
Taiwan AQI 1.2.3
Scamper Lab
What’s New!ver 1.2.3 updates# New camera and share function.------------------------------------------------------------------Taiwan AQI shows real-time air quality of Taiwan cities.Functions:- Shows real-time air quality of your location.- 24 hrs chart shows the changes of air quality.- Edit favorite city list.- Camera and share to SNS.- Widget: Now you can add as many widgets as you want. Eveneasierto check the AQI at any time!- Get alert when the air gets bad. You can turn on/off thealertnotification of saved cities in Settings.- Daily morning air quality notification.- Shows the concentrations of different kinds of pollutants.Air Quality Index (PM2.5) Level:0-50: Good51-100: Moderate101-150: Unhealthy151-200: Moderately Polluted201-300: Heavily Polluted300+: Severely PollutedThe air pollution is getting serious in Taiwan and this issuehasraised people concern about our environment and health,therefore wedesign this app to help people protectthemselves.Particles less than 2.5 micrometers are believed to posethegreatest health risks. Because of their small size(approximately1/30th the average width of a human hair), fineparticles can lodgedeeply into the lungs, causing a wide range ofillnesses andmortality, including cancer, stroke and damage tounbornchildren.Sources of fine particles include all types of combustionactivities(motor vehicles, power plants, wood burning, etc.) andcertainindustrial processes. Particles with diameters between 2.5and 10micrometers are referred to as "coarse." Sources of coarseparticlesinclude crushing or grinding operations, and dust frompaved orunpaved roads. Other particles may be formed in the airfrom thechemical change of gases.*What is AQI?Air quality index (AQI) is an international index for airquality.The higher index, the higher risk to health. The AQIcalculates sixpollutants (including SO2, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, O3 andCO).The EPA of Taiwan adopts PSI, which is outdated and maybenotsuitable in nowadays. The difference between AQI and PSI isthatPSI does not including PM2.5.Taiwan AQI app collects data from EPA of Taiwan and processesthedata with the US Environmental Protection Agency formula; theindexis more close to the real air condition.